Jumat, 26 April 2019

Cyber Security

Pengertian Cybercrime
Cybercrime merupakan bentuk-bentuk kejahatan yang timbul karena pemanfaatan teknologi internet. Beberapa pendapat mengindentikkan cybercrime dengan computer crime

Karakteristik Cybercrime
Karakteristik unik dari kejahatan di dunia maya tersebut antara lain menyangkut lima hal berikut:
-Ruang lingkup kejahatan
-Sifat kejahatan
-Pelaku kejahatan
-Modus Kejahatan
-Jenis kerugian yang ditimbulkan

Jenis Cybercrime
Berdasarkan jenis aktifitas yang dilakukannya, cybercrime dapat digolongkan menjadi beberapa jenis sebagai berikut:

a. Unauthorized Access
Merupakan kejahatan yang terjadi ketika seseorang memasuki atau menyusup ke dalam suatu sistem jaringan komputer secara tidak sah, tanpa izin, atau tanpa sepengetahuan dari pemilik sistem jaringan komputer yang dimasukinya. Probing dan port merupakan contoh kejahatan ini.

b. Illegal Contents
Merupakan kejahatn yang dilakukan dengan memasukkan data atau informasi ke internet tentang suatu hal yang tidak benar, tidak etis, dan dapat dianggap melanggar hukum atau menggangu ketertiban umum, contohnya adalah penyebaran pornografi.

c. Penyebaran virus secara sengaja
Penyebaran virus pada umumnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan email. Sering kali orang yang sistem emailnya terkena virus tidak menyadari hal ini. Virus ini kemudian dikirimkan ke tempat lain melalui emailnya.

d. Data Forgery
Kejahatan jenis ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memalsukan data pada dokumen-dokumen penting yang ada di internet. Dokumen-dokumen ini biasanya dimiliki oleh institusi atau lembaga yang memiliki situs berbasis web database.

e. Cyberstalking
Kejahatan jenis ini dilakukan untuk mengganggu atau melecehkan seseorang dengan memanfaatkan komputer, misalnya menggunakan e-mail dan dilakukan berulang-ulang. Kejahatan tersebut menyerupai teror yang ditujukan kepada seseorang dengan memanfaatkan media internet. Hal itu bisa terjadi karena kemudahan dalam membuat email dengan alamat tertentu tanpa harus menyertakan identitas diri yang sebenarnya.

f. Carding
Carding merupakan kejahatan yang dilakukan untuk mencuri nomor kartu kredit milik orang lain dan digunakan dalam transaksi perdagangan di internet.

g. Hacking dan Cracker
Istilah hacker biasanya mengacu pada seseorang yang punya minat besar untuk mempelajari sistem komputer secara detail dan bagaimana meningkatkan kapabilitasnya. Adapun mereka yang sering melakukan aksi-aksi perusakan di internet lazimnya disebut cracker. Boleh dibilang cracker ini sebenarnya adalah hacker yang yang memanfaatkan kemampuannya untuk hal-hal yang negatif. Aktivitas cracking di internet memiliki lingkup yang sangat luas, mulai dari pembajakan account milik orang lain, pembajakan situs web, probing, menyebarkan virus, hingga pelumpuhan target sasaran. Tindakan yang terakhir disebut sebagai DoS (Denial Of Service). Dos attack merupakan serangan yang bertujuan melumpuhkan target (hang, crash) sehingga tidak dapat memberikan layanan.

h. Hijacking
Hijacking merupakan kejahatan melakukan pembajakan hasil karya orang lain. Yang paling sering terjadi adalah Software Piracy (pembajakan perangkat lunak).

Berdasarkan Sasaran Kejahatan

Sedangkan berdasarkan sasaran kejahatan, cybercrime dapat dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa kategori seperti berikut ini :

a. Cybercrime yang menyerang individu (Against Person)
Jenis kejahatan ini, sasaran serangannya ditujukan kepada perorangan atau individu yang memiliki sifat atau kriteria tertentu sesuai tujuan penyerangan tersebut. Contoh kejahatan ini misalnya pornografi, cyberstalking.

b. Cybercrime menyerang hak milik (Againts Property)
Cybercrime yang dilakukan untuk menggangu atau menyerang hak milik orang lain. Beberapa contoh kejahatan jenis ini misalnya pengaksesan komputer secara tidak sah melalui dunia cyber, pemilikan informasi elektronik secara tidak sah/pencurian informasi, carding, cybersquating, hijacking, data forgery dan segala kegiatan yang bersifat merugikan hak milik orang lain.

c. Cybercrime menyerang pemerintah (Againts Government)
Cybercrime Againts Government dilakukan dengan tujuan khusus penyerangan terhadap pemerintah. Kegiatan tersebut misalnya cyber terorism sebagai tindakan yang mengancam pemerintah termasuk juga cracking ke situs resmi pemerintah atau situs militer.

Penanggulangan Cybercrime
1. Penggunaan enkripsi untuk meningkatkan keamanan.
Penggunaan enkripsi yaitu dengan mengubah data-data yang dikirimkan sehinggatidak mudah disadap (plaintext   diubah menjadi chipertext  ). Untuk meningkatkankeamanan authentication (pengunaan user_id dan password ), penggunaan enkripsi dilakukan pada tingkat socket. Hal ini akan membuat orang tidak bisa menyadap data atau transaksi yang dikirimkan dari/ke server WWW. Salah satu mekanisme yang popular adalah dengan menggunakan Secure Socket Layer  (SSL) yang mulanya dikembangkan oleh Nerscape.
2. Penggunaan Firewall
Tujuan utama dari firewall adalah untuk menjaga agar akses dari orang tidak berwenang tidak dapat dilakukan. Program ini merupakan perangkat yang diletakkan antara internet dengan jaringan internal. Informasi yang keluar dan masuk harusmelalui atau melewati firewall. Firewall bekerja dengan mengamati paker Intenet Protocol (IP) yang melewatinya.
3. Perlunya CyberLaw
Cyberlaw merupakan istilah hukum yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan TI. Istilah lainadalah hukum TI (Low of IT), Hukum Dunia Maya (Virtual World Law) dan hukumMayantara.
4. Melakukan pengamanan sistem melalui jaringan dengan melakukan pengaman FTP,SMTP, Telnet dan pengaman Web Server.

Contoh kasus cybercrime
- Ramzi Yousef, dalang penyerangan pertama ke gedung WTC, diketahui menyimpan detail serangan dalam file yang di enkripsi di laptopnya.
- Osama Bin Laden diketahui menggunakan steganography untuk komunikasi jaringannya.
- Di Indonesia pernah terjadi kasus cybercrime yang berkaitan dengan kejahatan bisnis, tahun 2000 beberapa situs atau web Indonesia diacak-acak oleh cracker yang menamakan dirinya Fabianclone dan naisenodni. Situs tersebut adalah antara lain milik BCA, Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Indosatnet. Selanjutnya pada bulan September dan Oktober 2000, seorang craker dengan julukan fabianclone berhasil menjebol web milik Bank Bali. Bank ini memberikan layanan internet banking pada nasabahnya. Kerugian yang ditimbulkan sangat besar dan mengakibatkan terputusnya layanan nasabah.

Jumat, 12 April 2019

Tugas II Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Rizky Ariesta Hartanto

Passive Voice

1. simple present tense

(+) Rani is delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani is not delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) is Rani delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

2. Present continuous tense

(+) Rani is being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani is not being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) is Rani being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

3. present perfect tense

(+) Rani has been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani has not been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) has Rani been delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

4. present perfect continuous tense

(+) Rani has been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani has not been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) has Rani been being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

5. simple past tense

(+) Rani was delegated by Dedi to the conference yesterday.
(-) Rani was not delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) was Rani delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

6. past continuous tense

(+) Rani was being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani was not being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) was Rani being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

7. past perfect tense

(+) Rani had been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani had not been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) had Rani been delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

8. past perfect continuous tense

(+) Rani had been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani had not been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) had Rani been being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

9. simple future tense

(+) Rani will be delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani will not be delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) will Rani be delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

10. Future continuous tense

(+) Rani will be being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani will not be being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) will Rani be being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

11. Future perfect tense

(+) Rani will have been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani will not have been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) will Rani have been delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

12. Future perfect continuous tense

(+) Rani will have been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani will not have been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) will Rani have been being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

13. Past Future Tense

(+) Rani would be delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani would not be delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) would Rani be delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

14. Past Future continuous tense

(+) Rani would be being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani would not be being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) would Rani be being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

15. Past Future perfect tense

(+) Rani would have been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani would not have been delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) would Rani have been delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

16. Past Future perfect continuous tense

(+) Rani would have been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(-) Rani would not have been being delegated by Dedi to the conference.
(?) would Rani have been being delegated by Dedi to the conference ?

Jumat, 05 April 2019

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

     Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

     Rizky Ariesta Hartanto

     1.       Simple Present Tense
+ She delegates the task to her assistant.
- She does not delegate the task to her assistant.
? Does she delegate the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she does / No, she does not.

     2.       Present Continuous Tense
+ She is delegating the task to her assistant.
- She is not delegating the task to her assistant.
? is she delegating the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she is / No, she is not.

     3.       Present Perfect Tense
+ She has delegated the task to her assistant.
- She has not delegated the task to her assistant.
? has she delegated the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she has / No, she has not.

     4.       Present Perfect Continuous Tense
+ She has been delegating the task to her assistant.
- She has not been delegating the task to her assistant.
? is she delegating the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she has / No, she has not.

     5.       Past Tense
+ She delegated the task to her assistant yesterday.
- She did not delegate the task to her assistant yesterday.
? Did she delegate the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she did / No, she did not.

     6.       Past Continuous Tense
+ She was delegating the task to her assistant.
- She was not delegating the task to her assistant.
? was she delegating the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she was / No, she was not.

     7.       Past Perfect Tense
+ She had delegated the task to her assistant.
- She had not delegated the task to her assistant.
? had she delegated the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she had / No, she had not.

     8.       Past Perfect Continuous Tense
+ She had been delegating the task to her assistant.
- She had not been delegating the task to her assistant.
? had she been delegating the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she had / No, she had not.

     9.       Future Tense
+ She will delegate the task to her assistant.
- She will not delegate the task to her assistant.
? will she delegate the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she will / No, she will not.

     10.   Future Continuous Tense
+ She will be delegating the task to her assistant.
- She will not be delegating the task to her assistant.
? will she be delegating the task to her assistant ?
   Yes, she will / No, she will not.

     11.   Future Perfect Tense
+ She will have delegated the task to her assistant.
- She will not have delegated the task to her assistant.
? will she have delegated the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she will / No, she will not.

     12.   Future Perfect Continuous Tense
+ She will have been delegating the task to her assistant.
- She will not have been delegating the task to her assistant.
? will she have been delegating the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she will / No, she will not.

     13.   Past Future Tense
+ She would delegate the task to her assistant.
- She would not delegate the task to her assistant.
? would she delegate the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she would / No, she would not.

     14.   Past Future Continuous Tense
+ She would be delegating the task to her assistant.
- She would not be delegating the task to her assistant.
? would she be delegating the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she would / No, she would not.

     15.   Past Future Perfect Tense
+ She would have delegated the task to her assistant.
- She would not have delegated the task to her assistant.
? would she have delegated the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she would / No, she would not.

     16.   Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
+ She would have been delegating the task to her assistant.
- She would not have been delegating the task to her assistant.
? would she have been delegating the task to her assistant ?
Yes, she would / No, she would not.